Sustainable Development
Sustainable use of the deep groundwater
In groundwater extraction, it is essential to limit water withdrawal to a level that allows for the natural replenishment of the aquifer. To achieve this in Kurikka, test pumping has been conducted, and methods have been developed to monitor groundwater levels and behavior.
Technology and new innovations
International collaboration has led to the development of a new kind of system for monitoring groundwater. Sensors (loggers) that are installed in boreholes transmit data on water levels every 15 minutes. The collected data will be openly published, allowing anyone to monitor water levels in near real-time. The system in place is unique, as no similar system is in use anywhere in the world.
Biogas ecosystem
A biogas ecosystem is being planned in Kurikka. The ecosystem will provide local farms with the opportunity to use renewable energy. According to calculations the biogas ecosystem will reduce the region’s carbon dioxide emissions by over 8,000 tons per year. At the same time, its estimated economic impact on the region is +8 million euros annually. Construction is expected to begin in 2024.
Video about Kurikka's sustainable water made by BBC
In 2018 BBC made a video about Kurikka’s deep groundwater and its sustainable use.