Kurikan geologia

Soil of Kurikka

In a geological structural study (Putkinen et al., 2012), it was observed that the groundwater area in Kuusistonloukko contains at least three aquifers that partially overlap. These layers are located in the bedrock depression of the Paloluoma valley area. The thickness of the soil cover in the region is exceptionally high compared to the Finnish average, varying between 60 and 100 meters.

The Kurikka region is part of the Suupohja passive triangle area (Boulton et al., 2001), characterized by minimal erosion during the melting phase of the last glaciation. The Finnish soil map shows areas with streamlined landforms created by glacial erosion, such as drumlins. These formations appear to be absent from the Suupohja region, where extensive areas covered by moraine and peat layers are intersected by occasional eskers (Niemelä et al., 1993).

The simplified cross-section below illustrates the soil structure in Kurikka at the Kakkuri springs in Mietaankylä. Note that soil layers may vary in different areas.

Conceptual model of the soil

To understand soil, it is important to know one of its basic principles, known as the conceptual model. When studying very complex soil structures, one way to grasp key features is to identify sediments and layers linked to specific, known geological periods.

Studying Kurikka’s soil requires detailed interpretations of borehole data, so a solid geological model is essential. Kurikka’s conceptual model uses information about how the soil was formed and key events in its development, supported by all other available research data.

The soil structure in Kurikka is more complex than in typical Finnish groundwater models. This is because the clear impact of glacial activity is often only seen in the upper layers of the soil. The middle and lower parts of the thick soil layers often come from periods before the last ice age.

Since these deeper sediments and layers can’t be directly connected to features visible at the surface, it is necessary to rely on sediment layer boundaries and soil types. Additionally, the study looks at the groups of sediments, called elements. By examining the regular patterns within these structures and the shapes of the layer boundaries, researchers can make regional comparisons and better understand the overall soil structure.

Hydrostratigraphic modeling

As the 3D structural model of the region’s soil was intended as the foundation for a groundwater flow model, it was designed using hydrostratigraphic principles. This means that soil layers are classified into units based on their water permeability properties.

Aquifers are layers that both conduct and store water effectively. Most aquifers in the study area are linked to glacial river deposits, which mainly consist of coarse sand (permeability K = 10⁻⁴ – 10⁻⁶) or gravel (K = 10⁻¹ – 10⁻³). A layer is generally classified as an aquifer if its average permeability (K-value) is greater than 10⁻⁶. An aquifer may include less permeable lenses or intermediate layers, as long as they do not significantly reduce the overall permeability of the layer.

Aquitards are soil layers that retain water due to their very low permeability. In the study area, aquitards are usually associated with moraine deposits formed during the glacier’s advance or fine sediments deposited in deep water during glacial retreat. The average permeability of an aquitard is below 10⁻⁶. These layers can contain more permeable lenses or intermediate layers, provided they do not significantly affect the layer’s overall ability to retain water.

In the hydrostratigraphic model, aquifers and aquitards are numbered according to their stratigraphic order, from the oldest at the bottom to the youngest at the top.

Permeability of soil types

Soil typePermeability K (m s-1)
Gravelly till10-5-10-7
Sandy till10-6-10-8
Coarse sand10-2-10-4
Fine sand10-3-10-5
Coarse silt10-4-10-6
Fine silt10-5-10-7
Source: Airaksinen, 1978

Hydrostratigraphic model of the Kurikka area

Based on the principles outlined above, a hydrostratigraphic model was created for the Kurikka study area. In this model, soil units are classified into two main categories based on their water permeability properties: aquifers (AF) and aquitards (AT).

The model developed for the project covers an area of approximately 223.5 square kilometers. The area stretches nearly 32 km from north to south and is up to 12 km wide from east to west. For the modeling process, a total of 153 cross-sections and longitudinal sections were created, with a combined length of 1,334.7 km. These sections were primarily placed at intervals of about 350 meters throughout the study area.

The hydrostratigraphic model is based on a significant number of data points, including boreholes, field observations, geophysical measurements, and laser scanning data. The model also incorporates interpretative and estimated data. Consequently, the accuracy of the model varies across different parts of the study area, depending on the quantity and quality of the available source material.

The hydrostratigraphic units and definitions of the Kurikka area

The poorly permeable Aquitard 1 (AT1) layer represents the lowermost and oldest moraine layer, formed during the advance of the glacier at that time. Moraine deposited in the bedrock depression is found only in a limited area north of Mietaankylä.

Probably an ancient glaciofluvial deposit, consisting of well-permeable sand and gravel. These coarse-grained deposits are found north of Mietaankylä, above the oldest moraine layers (AT1).

The Aquitard 2 (AT2) layer represents glacial advancement and is likely older than the last glaciation, consisting of poorly permeable moraine (mainly sandy moraine). These sandy moraine layers are quite widespread, particularly in many valley bottoms on top of the bedrock. The northernmost moraine deposits are located near the village of Viitala, although they are present in a relatively small area there. The most continuous moraine deposits begin at Kuusistonloukko and continue toward Lusankylä and Krekolanmaa, where the moraine deposits end. In the southern part of the modeling area, between Harjankylä and Sorvarinkylä in the Kyrönjoki Valley, the moraines reappear and continue all the way to Kalankylä.

The Aquifer 2 (AF2) layer is likely an ancient glaciofluvial deposit, consisting mainly of sand and gravel. These coarse-grained deposits are generally located above the older moraine layers (AT2).

The water-retaining Aquitard 3 (AT3) layer represents the glacial advance phase and consists of fine-grained moraine and sandy moraine. These moraines are found over a very wide area, except on bedrock slopes and in areas with small layer thicknesses.

The highly permeable and water-storing Aquifer 3A (AF3A) layer belongs to glaciofluvial deposits (eskers and terminal moraines). This unit combines both the terminal moraine of Harjankylä and Sorvarinkylä and the continuous north-south oriented esker of the Häjyluoma Valley. The terminal moraine likely runs relatively continuously from Kalankylä through Harjankylä and Sorvarinkylä, almost north-south, to Kakkuri, from where it turns northeast towards Lusankylä, where the sand and gravel-dominated deposits of this unit end. These glaciofluvial deposits were generally formed on top of the moraine (AT3) deposited during the previous glacier’s advance phase.

The moderately permeable and water-storing Aquifer 3B (AF3B) layer unit is formed mainly in front of and near the glacier margin. The layer consists of coarse silty and occasionally sandy basin sediments. The unit may also contain thin moraine layers, reflecting the glacier margin’s repeated advance and retreat (oscillation) at the time. These relatively continuous and primarily coarse silty basin sediments are found over a wide area from Jouppila in the north to the southern part of the study area.

The poorly permeable Aquitard 4 (AT4) layer unit represents deep-water basin sediments consisting of fine silt, loam, and clay. An exception to this is the area south of the Kurikka center in Jyllintaival, between Mietaankylä and Lusankylä, where Aquitard 4 also includes poorly permeable moraines (notably, with nearly the same permeability value as the fine sediments). Due to the area’s complex geology, these moraines had to be generalized into this hydrostratigraphic unit. The strata belonging to the AT4 unit are found over a relatively wide area, but are generally quite discontinuous. The thickest fine-grained layers of the AT4 unit are located west of Säntti, where there is over 50 meters of fine silt.

The moderately permeable Aquifer 4 (AF4) layer represents a proglacial basin sedimentation environment, consisting of coarse silt and partly sand. Layer thicknesses vary from an average of 2 meters to 15 meters. These deposits are found in the central and northern parts of the study area. The thickest layers are located in the central part of the modeling area in the Paloluoma Valley area west of Kurikka’s center, where the layer thicknesses are about 15 meters.

The moderately permeable and water-storing Aquifer 4A (AF4A) layer consists of proglacial basin sediments, such as coarse silt and sand. These sediments are very similar in composition to those in the AF4 unit. These deposits are found south of the study area in the regions of Kalankylä, Sorvarinkylä, Laulajanmaa, and Kärpäskylä. They are relatively thin, only a few meters thick, and have been deposited in many places on top of the fine sediments (AT4).

The highly permeable Aquifer 4B (AF4B) layer is part of the north-south-oriented Harjankylä and Sorvarinkylä esker in the terminal moraine zone, deposited on the proglacial contact or distal side. The layer consists largely of well-sorted sand and gravel, but its thickness is generally quite thin. The layer may also occasionally contain thin moraine layers, indicating oscillations of the continental glacier.

The water-storing but poorly permeable Aquitard 5 (AT5) unit layer possibly represents the maximum phase of the last glacial period—before the beginning of the last deglaciation, when thick moraine deposits were occasionally formed by the continental glacier. This unit also includes possible terminal positions and so-called hummocky clay moraines. The AT5 unit’s moraines range from sandy moraine to fine-grained moraine. These moraines occur over a very wide area, almost the entire modeling area. Moraine deposits are practically absent only from bedrock slopes and the eastern part of the area in the Kyrönjoki Valley in Panttila, Tuiskula, Reinikka, and Kurikankylä. The layer thickness varies from a few meters to 30 meters. The thickest moraines are located in the Jyllintaipale area, where the thickness of the moraine layers exceeds 30 meters from the surface.

The highly permeable and water-storing Aquifer 5 (AF5) unit is a layer formed by a glaciofluvial system. The deposit mainly consists of sand and gravel. The layer thickness generally ranges from a few meters to 10 meters. These deposits are widely found in the central, eastern, and northern parts of the modeling area.

The poorly permeable Aquitard 6 (AT6) layer unit represents the last glacial advance, during which a relatively thin sandy moraine layer about 1–4 meters thick was formed. The uppermost and generally quite thin moraine blanket is found over almost the entire modeling area. The thin moraine layer is practically absent only from bedrock slopes washed by wave action and from the northwest-southeast oriented esker in the Nopankylä area and the southwest-northeast oriented esker segment northwest of Kurikka’s center. This is very typical for esker environments, as strong meltwater activity during their formation washed away the underlying moraine.

The highly permeable and water-storing Aquifer 6 (AF6) unit layer consists of glaciofluvial sand and gravel. These sand and gravel deposits are associated with two differently oriented eskers. In the northern part of the modeling area, a northwest-southeast oriented esker in the Nopankylä area begins at Ojalu and ends at Sahankylä. Another larger and mostly covered southeast-northeast oriented esker segment runs in the eastern part of the area in the Kyrönjoki Valley. These coarse-grained esker deposits continue in a very continuous manner from Piirtola to Reinikka, where the esker deposits end. In the Piirtola area, the sand and gravel layer thickness exceeds 50 meters, but it gradually thins towards Reinikka, where the thickness of the coarse-grained layers is estimated to be less than 15 meters. South of Kurikankylä, no evidence of coarse-grained esker deposits has been found.

The “surface sediments” of the poorly permeable Aquitard 7 (AT7) layer unit are basin sediments deposited in deep water at the end of the last glacial phase, consisting of fine silt, loam, and clay. These fine sediments are widely found in the low-lying valley areas of the study area (Kyrönjoki, Paloluoma, Nenättömänluoma, and Häjyluoma). In the modeling area, the thickness of the silt and clay layers varies from a few meters to several tens of meters, depending on the environment. The thickest fine-grained deposits are located in the eastern part of the area in the Kyrönjoki Valley, south of Kurikankylä, where the thickness of the fine sediment layer is nearly 50 meters in some places.

The uppermost, primarily highly permeable Aquifer 7 (AF7) layer unit represents sand-dominated beach deposits. The delineation of beach deposits was based on a 1:20,000 scale basic soil map, ground-penetrating radar surveys, and laser scanning data from the National Land Survey of Finland. The thickest beach deposits in the area are located on the lower slope west of Laitasaarenkallio in Sorvarinkylä, where ground-penetrating radar surveys and boreholes indicate a layer thickness of about 2–4 meters. It is very typical for bedrock slopes to have relatively extensive but thin sand and gravel-dominated beach deposits. The layer thickness of these coarse-grained, sorted materials on the bedrock slopes is often less than a meter.

The poorly permeable Aquitard 8 (AT8) unit contains young peat layers. The delineation and thickness determination of peat layers have utilized, where applicable, the peat data from the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK). Peat layers are mainly found in the western and northern parts of the study area. In terms of area and layer thickness, the peat deposits are generally relatively small and thin. The thickest peat layers are located at Kiimaneva, west of Iso Pättikangas, where the peat thickness is nearly 5 meters.


  • Boulton, G. S., Dongelmans, P., Pukari, M. & Broadgate, M. (2001). Palaeoglaciology of an ice sheet through a glacial cycle: the European ice sheet through the Weichselian. Quaternary Science Reviews. Vol.20, s.951-625.
  • Niemelä, J., Ekman, I. & Lukashov, A. (1993). Suomen ja Venäjän federaation luoteisosan maaperä ja sen raaka-ainevarat [kartta]. Espoo, Geologian tutkimuskeskus.
  • Putkinen, N., Putkinen, S., Valjus, T. & Leväniemi, H. (2012). Kurikan Kuusistonloukon pohjavesialueen geologinen rakenneselvitys. Kokkola, Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Tutkimusraportti 27.2.2012. 19 s.
  • Rantamäki, Sara. (2017). Maaperän syväpohjaveden käsittely talousvedeksi. Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto.

Unique geology

Groundwater occurence and circulation

Research methods