Kurikan geologia

Hydrogeological Science Institute of Kurikka

The city of Kurikka, the high schools of Kurikka, and Kurikan Vesihuolto Oy are planning to establish a hydrogeological science institute. Initially, the institute will operate virtually, but in the future, a physical location will also be created in Kurikka.

Suurennuslasi ja lohkare. Kuvastaa tiedeinstituuttia ja sen toimintaa.

Hydrogeological Science Institute of Kurikka

The city of Kurikka, the high schools of Kurikka, and Kurikan Vesihuolto Oy are planning to establish a hydrogeological science institute. Initially, the institute will operate virtually, but in the future, a physical location will also be created in Kurikka.

Suurennuslasi ja lohkare. Kuvastaa tiedeinstituuttia ja sen toimintaa.

Goals of the Institute

Research and Education

1) Create a platform for high-quality and international research
2) Produce additional research
3) Educate people and maintain an understanding of the geology of the Kurikka area

Sustainable Development

1) Ensure the sustainable use of deep groundwater
2) Participating in the energy production transition and the biogas ecosystem
3) Further processing of clean water and food

Local Development

1) Enhance the appeal of Kurikka and Southern Ostrobothnia as a hub for research and education
2) Support local businesses and entrepreneurship related to deep groundwater
3) Promote collaboration with local and international scientific community

Research and Education

1) Create a platform for high-quality and international research
2) Produce additional research
3) Educate people and maintain an understanding of the geology of the Kurikka area

Sustainable Development

1) Ensure the sustainable use of deep groundwater
2) Participating in the energy production transition and the biogas ecosystem
3) Further processing of clean water and food

Local Development

1) Enhance the appeal of Kurikka and Southern Ostrobothnia as a hub for research and education
2) Support local businesses and entrepreneurship related to deep groundwater
3) Promote collaboration with local and international scientific community


Kurikka logo. Klikkaamalla pääset Kurikan sivuille.

City of Kurikka

The city of Kurikka is a key player in the hydrogeological institute project. The city sees the project as an opportunity to promote research and education, support sustainable development, and create new businesses. Through this project, Kurikka can strengthen its position as a significant research and education center and provide new opportunities for its residents and businesses.

Kurikan Vesihuolto Oy logo. Klikkaamalla Vesihuollon sivuille.

Kurikan Vesihuolto Oy

Kurikan Vesihuolto Oy is responsible for water management in the Kurikka area, covering both the production of clean water and wastewater treatment. The company has been involved in the project from its early stages, bringing expertise in the region's water resources and playing a significant role in various phases of the research, such as test pumping.

GTK:n, eli Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen logo. Klikkaamalla pääset GTK:n sivuille.

Geological Survey of Finland

GTK is a research institute under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, specializing in minerals, groundwater, aggregates, geothermal energy, and other geological natural resources. GTK's expertise and research resources ensure the scientific foundation of the project and support its long-term goals.

ELY Centre of South Ostrobothnia

The role of the South Ostrobothnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) in the institute is significant. The ELY Centre brings extensive expertise and experience in regional development, environmental protection, and the promotion of sustainable development.